Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 22nd Playgroup

We will be having Playgroup at the play place at the mall at 10:30.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 15th Playgroup

Well, I know we just did the Sea Center recently, but our car is in the shop and the Sea Center is within walking distance..

Playgroup is at the Sea Center! 10:30am.

Maybe try to do the outside trail first and then go inside to cool off. With all the rain we've had I'm sure the turtles are just in heaven!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 8th Playgroup

Due to 70% chance of rain, my idea of playing at the fountain outside the library/ civic center will be postponed until next week.

I'm asking Marie if we can have playgroup at her house this week. And by "I'm asking" I just texted her a minute ago. So call her on Thursday to confirm. :D