Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 29th Playgroup

We'll be at the Junior Service League park on Yaupon, a.k.a. the park on Yaupon with a parking lot, at 10:30.
Reminder: No bathrooms, and I don't just mention this for me! :D

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 22nd Playgroup

Here's a new one:

Fireman's Park (at 207 Forest Oaks, Lake Jackson, TX 77566).
The general area is where Dixie, Sycamore, and Plantation all meet, but you should probably look this one up on a map (or click the link for a map!)

We saw it from afar one Saturday while we were out yardsaling, (which if spell-checker is to be believed, is not a word), and it looked like it had some pretty cute equipment to play on.

2) And I can't figure if parking on Forest Oaks is better or parking on Aloe Vera Ct. is better. (There isn't a parking lot; we're all parking on the curb.)

The weather should be nice at 68 degrees and partly cloudy.

I'm going to try to be very prompt at 10:30, (especially because of the no bathrooms).
See you there!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15th Playgroup

Sorry for the late notice...

Playgroup will be at Carolyn's house at 10:30. Thanks for hosting, Carolyn!

Monday, April 12, 2010

April Food Storage Group

Tuesday 13th 10am.
We will be making cardboard can rotators for your pantry shelves. If you have cardboard boxes you would like to use, please bring them. If not, come anyway, we grabbed a bunch at Lowe's.
We might make these in the backyard so the kids can stay occupied, bring a blanket if you like.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 8th Playgroup

We'll be playing at Clute Municipal Park, but this time at the other playground, (the one with the purple slides). Thursday, 10:30, as usual. Thursday's weather looks nice, too, so that's a plus!
See the posting for March 25th if you're not sure where the park is.

Also, next week, April 15th, I will not be able to come because of a doctor's appointment. Would anyone like for playgroup to be somewhere in particular, like maybe their own house? Let me know!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1st Playgroup

We're keepin' it easy today: MacLean, 10:30.
Remember to bring a jacket because MacLean gets windy.