Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 25th Playgroup

We'll be checking out the Clute park 10:30 Thursday. The weather may disagree with us. If so, we'll go down the block to the Clute library and just kick around there. (I've never been to either place, so we'll just see how things go.)
The map to Clute Municipal Park, if you are unfamiliar. It's off Brazoswood, off Dixie, near Fisherman's Wharf apartments. Don't forget to slow down past the school!
The library is very close by.

And, as a reminder for those interested, there is the tamale activity that night, 6:30 at the church building, with the Brazoria Spanish Branch Relief Society.

1 comment:

  1. In case anyone is interested in also comeing to the Angleton Ward Playgroups, it's on Wednesdays at 10ish. These are the April Playdate places! :-)
    April Playgroup will be..

    7th... MacLean Park
    14th... Clute Municipal Park
    21st... Fireman's Park (Ash Court)
    28th... Bates Park (Angleton)

    Thanks! Emily Burkinshaw
